Sunday, January 10, 2010

Meeting in Penang : Steven

Hi Steven,
We would appreciate to have your email or contact so that other investors can contact you for the meeting. Kindly use 
to communicate more as updates  on this site and also most people are visiting this site.

LAT 006
steven said...
I plan to hold a meeting in Penang on the lecruz scam soon. All lecruz investors please contact me through this blog.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lecruz Ad-Hoc Committee

Lecruz Ad-hoc committee

I realised that many of us have invested our hard earn money on Lecruz and hoping for a better return. I'm not different from any of you that have dump in large sum of money.
Recently the unforeseen changes on the return of investment have left all of us into frustration and disappointment. The Top-up plan that came out on September seems like a trap that have caught us by surprised. Almost all of us are not wiling to accept the new changes and personally I do feel that it is Lecruz responsibility to keep up to their promises . No matter what happens let s speak together as one voice,there is nothing much I can do alone, there is nothing anyone of us can do alone but in unity, one voice, thousands of us we can make our voices heard esp. in Macau. Together we can make an impact.
Therefore I would appreciate to hear from as many of you as possible. Keep in touch with each other on the latest updates. Do comment on this blog and email us at

Monday, November 2, 2009

Reply : Anonymous 17 @ SR

As we have said before , none of the comment is filtered or deleted. Somehow we do not want any particular person to be pin point without sufficient evident, therefore no personal name allowed. All of us have confirmed once again that nothing have been filtered or deleted, we only changed any personal name that have been found and all of us have all the back up at many blogs that have yet to be launched. If what you have written was not being published you may resend it to our email :,or rewrite as new comment, we will make sure it will be published. You may also try to scroll down to the bottom right and click on the "Older Posts". Your comments could have been in other older page(please refer to the date). If you would like to set up your own blog, do write to us.We can guide you. As we have said before, this is just the beginning, none of us have actually started yet, coz' we knew each other capability in this field, if you notice so far we have done is only responds to the comments, right? When bloggers started massive blogging it will be a lot different.WE all are gifted human beings and we cared for our downline who have trusted us, we will never betray them.WE also understand the Law of Karma! Therefore confirmed, none of us being bought over or somehow filtered anything.  Remember! make this blog to be more civilized and professional manner, try to avoid the F*** word,  anyway mis-spelling is accepted. Also remember the purpose of this blog is to get as many contacts as possible and be united as one, we will make an impact!.So far it is still less than 500 who have wrote in to us. Come On !, we have about 9 thousand  investors. You guys really happy with the changes so far? Think about your downline who have trusted you, and have given up their job and fully committed to Lecruz and now their life is destroyed. Think about those who have morgaged their property coz' of their commitment to Lecruz. Think about those who have invested in the smallest package,Bronze; to certain people it may be negligible but to others it may be their life saving or that could be what's left for their whole family. What if this family happened to be your very own family, with children who cannot even afford to go to McDonalds or KFC. You may think it is bullshit but there are actually such poor people who shared to own the smallest package! Think about the  Law of Karma, "You will reap what you sow" .

Anonymous said...
We trust this blog to be honest. But looking at the way you filter relevant information, obviously the blogger been bought by #001.SR.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How to create a Blog ?

Many of you have wrote to us on how to create a blog. Here is the basic step-by-step guide on how to create your own blog,you can do it within 5 minutes:

Reply : Mike

Yup! We fully agree with you.At this moment we can't pin point anyone unless we have sufficient evident to prove that person guilty. That what ah leong or fishmonger or #001 what ever you may called is the only guy to contact that so called Satan or VJ or ... coz' they can "kap" very well...
Oh ya! Some great guy have put up some intersting video at youtube :

mike said...
we as a invester should take some action againt Le cruez rather then just giving mamorandum. We must lodge police report togather. We want so call leaders please come and explain we step to take next againts Wha Ah Leong

Reply : Anonymous 16

It will be best for you guys to contact your own upline and form your own groups within your area. Your immediate upline should be responsible for your investment coz' you have trusted him/her that's why you invested in Lecruz. Many responsible leaders have already formed their own group. Left a few irresponsible leaders who did nothing when they already knew there is a big problem. Remember them,their name, their contact and everything about them, then let the whole world know what type person they are. Keep monitoring this blog and you will know what to do next.
Anonymous16 said...
Please publish contact info on Action Group by area.

Monday, October 26, 2009

If you think Lecruz is an Internet Scam, then you better take action!

At first one of us set up this blog with the intention to promote Lecruz but now seems like we are part of the 9 thousand investors that got cheated by this company called Lecruz..Now we would like to call upon all investors to team up and demand our money back. We realized that many groups have been formed throughout Malaysia with the intention  to take legal action against Lecruz Scam. We will be glad to see if we can contact each other and unite as one.Please email to us :