- Before investors heading to Macau or even Canada,do you know the entity status of Lecruz in Canada. It was registered in Canada using residence address . Do you guys check whether Lecruz haws legal entity in Canada. Lecruz is not Multi-Million business group as claimed in the website . If you noticed , their corporate info has been removed from website. If you do the business search , there is no business by the name of Lecruz running the multimillion entertainment and tour business Fishmonger partnered with VJ is part of the syndicate out to scam fellow Malaysians . If we did not get any form of confirmation by month end , we should go after fishermonger and VJ. By then , we should also report to Bukit Aman , Interpool , Indonesia and Macau authorities. Lecruz claimed to run junket business but they are even a junket in Venetian ???
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Reply : Anonymous3
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