Friday, October 23, 2009

Comments by : heart broken,Anonymous15 & Anonymous16

heart broken said...
hi, Nice to hear some guys are taking some brainstorming moves to handle the new unvaluable package redemption that will never ever get back even our capital.Im really going through a hard time since this was announced.I have invested a large amount and now I cant even recover.The next I think is to commit suicide.All my hard earn money has lost in the breeze. Im pretty sure alot of families are now suffering and having a tough time financially. God, when can we see your grace? Guys, getting a legal authority to handle this problem will might benefit us and very important that no one gets trapped in such scam future.My humble request if anybody is in the legal firm who has invested,pls come forward and give your ides how to move with this matter.Lecruz shouldn't ever just sweep our money of just like that and hand it over to someone else to run the show.When initial part they said MLM was the best marketing strategy and now they say MLM is a flop.If they think they cant cope,return back our capital. It is later up to us whether we want to invest with the other group or not.Not just throwing us out with all our money inside. I had a friend who already resigned job and now he is totally lost all out.Cant imagine how is he now.he even doesnt have the money for the wife who needs a cessarean end of this month....what a devastating time.Buddhist believe in law of KARMA--every action has has an equal reaction.For the damage they have done they have to pay for it.we investors should stay united and as said previously by other investors,get a immediate commitee from our investors with legal advisors to have a pleasant table talk with Lecruz and get things right back.(at least our capital back). Please.Please.Please.We need to be united.Please get more peolple to response to this call. Wake up dear investors. Time is running short.if we dont do it now,never ever forever.
Anonymous15 said...
They had a meeting on 20.10.2009 what was the outcome. Anyupdate ?
Anonymous16 said...
I like you all invested way back in Feb and up until the announcement I have never realise that it would close shop so soon. From US2.90 to HK2.00 and we are ask to be patient , give him a chance , we are all investor and so on. As I see those leders are no batter then Wijaya or Lecruz it is a scam . Wijaya is a front as back in Feb when we went to Macau Wijaya made an apperance now he is the boss. I think this wijaya and some of our Fellow Malaysian cook up this scam to take us. There were a few Fellow Malaysian which show up for our informal meeting at Venatian - 12 o clock Midnight so I thought this is still in its infancy maybe next time batter presentation. I have since erase the video I hope I can find it back and post it here for all to see. Now the 24 hero which went to Macau and came back with nothing now how long is this going to stand? They give this flimsy excuse that because of their scam it would compromise their bigger scam as an excuse to close shop , my son can script it batter what a load of rubbish. Maybe it would be batter it we go hire a private eye and dig up those behind this scam and decide what to collective do with them.

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