Friday, October 23, 2009

Reply : Anonymous13 & heart broken

As we heard, 21 members were chosen in the new committee but half of them were those who used to stand behind during the meeting and shout  "good !" ,"Yes!" and clap hands, don't be surprised to hear that in Macau they will do the same thing and nothing more than that.Yup! We got to take action! and we got to be prepared if the unexpected happened! Write in to us for the .xml file and create a blog like this if not create your own new blog, youtube video etc. Remember not to pin-point anyone unless you have solid evident.
 Reply : heart broken
We sympathized what you are facing but we also like you to know that you are not alone. Our advice is Never think of giving up until you make full used of every resources that you have, stand up for your rights, make full used of the greatest tool that we have today ... the Internet!Your message will be heard throughout the whole wide world. There is still hope to recover our investment, this is not the end but it is just the beginning, its not over until we say its over,we have  not really taken any action yet! Me alone or you alone will not be able to make any different but in unity thousands of us will definitely make an impact! Get to know your group!

Anonymous13 said...
Just heard about 20 upline leaders will be going to Macau for negotiation with ???LECRUZ/VJ.The outcome can be anticipated!(sorry for saying this, but please proof me wrong)1)We will not know anybody behind LECRUZ, except one Mr VJ.2)They can promise anything,just to cool things down, but they don't have to deliver. 3) Leaders could be bought over, and anybody refuse may not be with us for long! The team doesn't have the bite of organised effort and legal documentation as suggested by ANONYMOUS 12.So let us not expect too much from the meeting in Macau. Let's be wiser and be realistic. Stop being just dependant on LECRUZ website. There is no simple honesty in them. We have to develope the network recomended to press for the demand. Shouting match and thumping the table is not going produce anything but final silence.Each downline must call the leaders to develope the network, for all to see to it that they remain accountable.If they fail, next round will be legal representation with 3 downline elected leaders (from each region); and present leaders shall act only as advisors, if needed.IF that (meeting with elected leaders) were not to materialise, we have nothing to loose going all out- via mass police report,( to trace trail of money transaction to Macau),publish the act of reporting with protesters via U-tube and international media to get attention of Macau regulatory authorities and the Macau casinos themselves. Not to forget the impact on Singapore, where LECRUZ targeting to position itself in a big way and the sentiment towards junkets is so far negative. AN EYE FOR AN EYE IS THE FINAL GAMEPLAN if all else fail. (ex-makkal sakhti)
heart broken said...
hi, Nice to hear some guys are taking some brainstorming moves to handle the new unvaluable package redemption that will never ever get back even our capital.Im really going through a hard time since this was announced.I have invested a large amount and now I cant even recover.The next I think is to commit suicide.All my hard earn money has lost in the breeze. Im pretty sure alot of families are now suffering and having a tough time financially. God, when can we see your grace? Guys, getting a legal authority to handle this problem will might benefit us and very important that no one gets trapped in such scam future.My humble request if anybody is in the legal firm who has invested,pls come forward and give your ides how to move with this matter.Lecruz shouldn't ever just sweep our money of just like that and hand it over to someone else to run the show.When initial part they said MLM was the best marketing strategy and now they say MLM is a flop.If they think they cant cope,return back our capital. It is later up to us whether we want to invest with the other group or not.Not just throwing us out with all our money inside. I had a friend who already resigned job and now he is totally lost all out.Cant imagine how is he now.he even doesnt have the money for the wife who needs a cessarean end of this month....what a devastating time.Buddhist believe in law of KARMA--every action has has an equal reaction.For the damage they have done they have to pay for it.we investors should stay united and as said previously by other investors,get a immediate commitee from our investors with legal advisors to have a pleasant table talk with Lecruz and get things right back.(at least our capital back). Please.Please.Please.We need to be united.Please get more peolple to response to this call. Wake up dear investors. Time is running short.if we dont do it now,never ever forever

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